Thursday, April 9, 2009

How To Have A Prospect Fill Out Application

Below is information on how to handle leads from the company website:

Here is a way to get started right away, please proceed as follows....

1. Click here - (#### is your 4 digit website ID#)

2. Provide your name, email address and phone number in the form provided.

3. On the next page click on "Application" at the top of the page and print out a
hard copy of the single page application form

4. Fill out the application carefully. In the sponsor section you will need the following....

Sponsor's Name - Your Name
Sponsor's ID - ###-###-#### (your phone # on website)
Sponsor's Email - your email address
5. Fax the application along with a copy of your check or money to 1-866-330-4594

6. Send your hard copy application and your check or money order via priority mail to...

218 Main St.
Suite 241
Kirkland, WA 98033

The first message you will receive from ReGenesis will have the subject "CREATE WEBSITE".
Please watch for this message and respond quickly as instructed.

The second message you will receive from Genesis will have the subject "Welcome To ReGenesis 2X2".
This will contain your referral link and other important information.


You do not have to wait for your replicated site or member ID number in order to refer new members.
You may advise them of the program by sending them to this generic guest website...

Ask them to watch the video only. They should NOT fill out the form on that page.

If they would like more information or if they wish to join you may send them to this
guest website...

Where they can review more program details and/or download the application
form. They will enter your name and phone number on the application to make sure that
are properly registered as their sponsor.

Here are more sources of information....

4 minute recorded overview - 1-800-676-8530

Fax On Demand - 1-800-621-1987

Overview calls every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday night...


NUMBER -1-646-519-5860 pin code 3434#

These are very short and informative 15 minute calls.

~ Sally

Friday, April 3, 2009

Regenesis 2x2 Team Update

Here’s a detailed update for you on ReGenesis… you will find the answer to your question in this email, along with answers to a few other questions that I am receiving numerous emails on.

First, the back-office! This has been a huge project for us and we were scheduled to have the back-office fully functional by this past Tuesday, however, the company that hosts our server experienced technical problems with the server that we were being hosted on. The data was there, however, the server was not stable and continued to crash after being logged in for only a couple of moments. As a result, the problem first had to be identified and, once it was, the decision was made to move us to a new server. The new server had to be tested, our files had to be transferred, then we had to get with our software company to reconfigure the files and then we had to transfer the data into the files. It was quite a lengthy process however, we are happy to say that the server is up and fully functional.

Now, we are way behind on data entry because, while this was occurring, we were not able to enter new members into our database and we received around 1,000 applications during the past week! We will be working hard through the weekend to catch up on data entry and once we are caught up we will officially open the back-office to our members. You will receive a detailed email next week explaining how to access the back-office, along with an explanation of the features associated with the back-office.

Welcome Package: The welcome package that we used to send by mail is now accessible through the member login section of the website. You can now log into the MEMBER LOGIN SECTION through the website or by going to this link:

In this section you can download documents such as:

- clean copy of the fax on demand

- sample ads and advertising sources

- follow up letters that we use

- detailed explanation of the 2x2 pay plan

Enter the Member Login area with the following information:

User Name: This is the last 4 digits of your website url

Password: This was issued to you when your website was set up – if you do not have your password you can click on a link at the Member Login Gateway, follow the instructions and your password will be emailed to you.

New Support Tools: On the pay plan page of the website: you can click on a new link that will allow you to listen to a new recording which provides a detailed explanation of the 2x2 pay plan. This is also the script for a pay plan movie that is being produced and will be on the website sometime next week. This recording can also be heard by calling: 800-690-3128, although the quality of the recording is much better on the website.

On the Home Page of the website you can listen to a recent recorded conference call, which is a great tool because lately our live conference calls have been filling up fast and many people have not been able to listen to a live call. Go the the website or click on the following link::

Additionally, we have added a Sunday evening conference call. Now our live calls are Tues, Thurs and Sun at 6:00 PM Pacific Time (9:00 Eastern): 646-519-5860, pin code 3434#

Leads: Hundreds of people are receiving their leads today, however, if you joined during the past 10 days don’t expect to receive your leads until late next week. Our list brokers send leads to us as they are received and these leads come in spurts… we do our best to get very fresh leads to our members and we fulfill orders as these new leads are received. Your leads will be coming!

If you have a simple request, such as re-sending a welcome letter or setting up your website we will note your request, however, we may not be able to accommodate you until Monday as all applications received during the past 10 days have not been filed as we are in the processing of entering them into our database so finding a single application (normally a simple task) is literally like finding a needle in a haystack at the moment! So, have a little patience – we are on task and are literally working 24/7 to prepare for our next leg of momentum, which is on its way as ReGenesis continues to explode as a pace that is just unbelievable even to me – and I’ve been in this industry as an active recruiter, manager and company owner for the past 15 years

- JW!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Regenesis Updated Welcome Letter

Welcome to the ReGenesis Marketing Team! The ReGenesis opportunity officially begain on January 19, 2009 and, since that time, we have had a tremendous response to this revolutionary, turn key money making system! In this welcome letter we have addressed most of the questions that new members have when joining ReGenesis so please take your time and read the following thoroughly and if you have any additional questions please contact us as indicated below.
As you know, the 2x2 compensation plan has been created in a way that allows YOU to get into profit fast! ReGenesis pays $400 per 2x2 cycle and $400 (100%) in Matching Bonuses – a total payout of $800 per 2x2 cycle! And, to make it even more exciting (and lucrative) it only takes $300 to activate a Commission Center (CC) in the 2x2 matrix and to increase your income potential you can activate as many CC's in the 2x2 matrix as you want! The benefit to having multiple CC's is the fact that you can earn much more income through ReGenesis as each CC earns $400 per 2x2 cycle and 100% Matching Bonuses when your personally sponsored members cycle.... including those whom we sponosor for you through the Automated Recruiting System!

A very exciting feature to ReGenesis is certainly our Automated Recruiting System where others are recruited into your matrix for you. Part of the product package that you receive when activating Commission Centers in ReGenesis is this recruiting system that will place 2 members in your 2x2 matrix for you, which is enough to begin generating activity in your matrix that can create significant income for you through $400 per 2x2 cycle and 100% Matching Bonuses. We also provide you 300 business opportunity seeker leads that you can use to promote any business opportunity. These leads include name, address and about 75% of the leads will have phone numbers as well! You can expect to receive these leads via email with one week of receiving this welcome email.

When we sponsor others for you you'll be the sponsor of these new members that we place in your matrix, which means they'll begin in your matrix and they will always cycle back to you (when they cycle through their 2x2 matrix)! We highly recommend that in addition to using this recruiting system you actively invite others to join you in your success with ReGenesis – you'll be richly rewarded for doing as we have never seen another marketing system that pays so much so fast!

In an effort to provide all Team Members with the highest level of support we are continually adding to our support tools. You should use this support system to get your business into profit quickly – through an effective toll free information line (800...), fax on demand (800-621-1987) and a high quality web site (, we have all the tools you need to get your business moving fast!

Also, on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evening at 6:00 PM Pacific Time (9:00 Eastern) we have a live conference call; the number is 646-519-5860, pin code 3434#.

When sponsoring others your temporary sponsor identification number is your phone number, although you will also be receiving your official computer generated 5 digit sponsor id number as soon as you are entered into our online computer tracking software program. You can expect to receive this number within 3 business days but don't let this keep you from getting started NOW - by providing us with your phone number, name and email address (for those who have a valid email address) on the application you can be assured that those you sponsor will be properly placed in your matrix. Also, when you are entered into our genealogy system you will be provided with an additional email at that time, which will provide you with instructions on accessing your downline reports and commission stats through the backoffice.
We will also be setting up your self replicated web site and you will receive a seperate email confirmation once this is completed. Your website will provide you with a user id and a password. Your user id will be the last 4 digits of your website address. This user id is NOT your sponsor id. This user id and password will allow you to access the member section of the website where you will be able to access our Document Download Section, which provides you with access to various documents that include:

- clean copy of the fax on demand
- sample ads and advertising resources
- follow up letters that we have used successfully
- detailed explanation of the 2x2 pay plan

With the exception of those who do not provide us with an email address we no longer send a package through the mail since all of these documents are now accessible through the website.
When revisiting the ReGenesis website you can bypass the lead capture page by entering the following url: - and when directing prospects to your website make sure you give them your complete url.... which will look like this: (xxxx will be your unique website id number) and when prospects fill out the lead capture page you will immediately receive an email providing you with the contact information they entered on the lead capture / splash page. If you send your prospects to the company site: we will be emailed their contact information and this will be treated as though it is a company generated lead.
Should you have any questions feel free to contact us via email! If you call the 800# it will most likely take awhile for your call to be returned. If you email us you will receive a response very fast!

- The ReGenesis Customer Support Team